"I sevred my time, and I have done all I believe will bring me satisfaction in this league. I thank all the die-hard 'Fish' fans, without them, our team wouldn't have the reputation it has today. I want to thank the entire Dragonfish organization, keeping me here all these years, through the thick and thin. And it got pretty thin (when) I was the only person on the team kept a couple years back. But, I'm happy, left on top, Go 'Fish'!" - Milfred - 87
Milfred was the face of the Dragonfish franchise since the leagues inception, a definite Hall-of-Famer when that gets going. 5 All-Star selections, and a Championship trophy to cap it off. Farewell Mil.
3 other rocking retirements were Theo, Deutch and Angelo. Theo had just became a celebrity in this league, winning the Most Valuable Player of the Year award and leading the Gremlins to a record 8-0 start.
"....I knew I had only one more year coming into this season, why else would I have signed the contract? It was all or nothing for me. Slaving 7 years in St. Louis really took a lot out of me. I realized this year, it isn't just being on a good team that gets you places. You have to try hard. I should've tried harder. But, for real, I'm spent. I've enjoyed my time here...." - Theo - 9
Deutch was the only original Seadog left. He has witnessed every up and down, and wasn't necessarily the face of the team, but real fans knew his intrinsic value. He wasn't able to be reached for comment, there may be a real story behind this. Everyone in Dodgeball knew of the Seadogs impending financial crisis. It was either Williame leaving, or Deutch. And of course you keep the young man for the long-run, but you can't easily kick-out your 1 true player for all these years. So there may have been some forcing to retire. Perhaps this explains Deutch's uncharacteristic quietness and sub-par play during the Championship? Just Saying.
Angelo was the Gold. Period. For the last 9 seasons everyone knew it was the Gold when they saw that big man. He will be missed, and has a huge spot waiting to be refilled.
In all, 13 players retired. Making a net increase of +3 from the 16 rookies entering the league last year. But there may be more retirements from free agents or cut players. Here are the 'honorably discharged':

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