The Seadogs went into the championship as strong as anybody as ever, winning 12 straight and capturing every award possible. Everybody was talking this team up about how they spread it around and everybody on the team could be the playmaker. Then they hit a wall--- filled with fish.
The first game was as close to a win as possbile, with the greatest momentum swing possible. the Seadogs played a great game until that point, then they just straight got ran over. Losing the next 2 games, which were close, but they got exposed to what they really were when facing a real team that could match them pound for pound. Williame IS this team. Deutch must've had stage fright and Lewis wasn't expected to lead this team even with all his expericence. Williame won the sets that kept this team in this Championship through 4 games. Maybe it was becuase this team hadn't played a real good contender since week 2, in which they lost to the Gremlins (they played the Diamonds in week 9, but come on, the Diamonds?). That was a complaint of many critics when they got their #1 ranking for the year. But they did win in smashmouth shutdown style, so one has to think they'll be able to compete with the 'boys'. They had an easy road through the playoffs, playing a Scarlet Ember team who had just won 3 must-win games to get into the playoffs. Then they played the spunky Dizzy Devils who were just happy to be there period. The Dragonfish exposed them to real, now they hate lame. Thanks Plies.